Chiropractor providing pediatric chiropractic care for reflux and digestive problems for young child

Who We Serve


Chiropractic care surrounding pregnancy is our specialty. Chiropractic care is essential to facilitate ease through this process, making it more comfortable and less stressful for you and your baby from pre-conception through postpartum. Consistent nervous system-focused chiropractic care restores balance to the nervous system, enabling proper functioning of the reproductive organs and improved balance and alignment of the spine and pelvis. We are certified in the Webster Technique, a specific analysis used to adjust pregnant mothers.

  • • support female fertility

    • nausea, reflux, indigestion

    • fatigue & difficulty sleeping

    • anxiety

    • pain & discomfort

    • sciatica

    • pubic symphysis dysfunction

    • round ligament pain

    • postpartum recovery & realignment

Women’s Health

We are passionate about empowering women to understand and feel connected to their bodies. Everyday stressors can have a big impact on your nervous system function. Nervous system centered chiropractic care can improve energy, sleep, support hormone balance and regulate cycles.

  • • anxiety & stress

    • allergies & sinus problems

    • headaches

    • digestive issues

    • pain & discomfort

    • menstrual irregularities

    • PMS

    • anxiety

    • digestive issues


Childhood is one of the most physically demanding times of our lives. Rapid and essential neuro development occurs within the first few years. Addressing underlying nervous system stress will help them adapt to their environment better and aid in healthy growth and development. Gentle chiropractic care will set little ones up with a healthy foundation.

  • • colic and constipation

    • reflux and digestive problems

    • breastfeeding and latch issues

    • ear infections

    • flat spots or head titled/rotated to one side

    • tongue and lip ties

    • difficulty sleeping

What to Expect

Initial Assessment

During your first appointment, we will first conduct a comprehensive review of your health history and preform a physical exam. After that, we will utilize our cutting-edge neurological INSiGHT scans to take a deeper look into your nervous system. These scans allow us to measure the health and function of both the central and autonomic nervous systems.

  • The primary focus of the INSiGHT scans is to identify, track, and comprehend any existing dysfunction. If dysfunction is detected, the scan provides us with two critical pieces of information: the degree and severity of the dysfunction, and where within the neurospinal system the problem is located. It's important to note that these scans are purely sensory and involve no radiation, making them safe for pregnant women and newborns.

Report of Findings

Your second appointment is dedicated to getting you answers. We will review the INSiGHT scans and exam findings, discuss your/your child’s personalized care plan, go over your financial options and address every single one of your questions and concerns.

Doctor of Chiropractic treating round ligament pain in pregnant woman in Georgia

Ready to Get Started?